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Audacious Athlete | At Home


We're all in this together, and we can come out stronger on the other side. The 4-week program focuses on At Home movements (can be used in a gym as well). You'll get an eBook PDF as well as lifetime access to the private Audacious Athlete Instagram which is a full movement library categorized by hashtags for easy searching for the right movement. 

The BETA Edition is currently closed and the team is active!

They're enjoying a few extras beyond the standard edition...

- Editable excel spreadsheet to track and log your work right from your phone

- Private Facebook community with weekly FB lives where we discuss our goals and progress.

- 1-Time Initial Nutrition and Cardio consult with an Audacious Athlete Coach

    (online assessment form required upon purchase)


No matter which program you choose you'll be able to access a vast library of movements via the private Instagram and be a part of the community forever if you aren't already!




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