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Welome to VOLUME 2: The second installment of the BUILT LIKE LAUZON series designed and tested by Brittany Lauzon. It's a 10-WEEK hybrid training guide that can be completed within a gym or modified within your home.


Complete the 4-day weekly training split and learn how to progress through the various phases correctly with appropriate deload weeks factored in.

Snag one of the LIMITED Beta Editions to enjoy some exclusive perks or grab the standard edition and still get lifetime access to the private instagrams @BuiltLikeLauzon & @AudaciousAthletes with full movement libraries and exercise explanations with video voice overs.

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VOLUME: 1 of the BUILT Like Lauzon TRAINING PROGRAM series is not only a results-driven, progressive program; but also, a stellar community of other athletes around the globe who have become hooked on leveling up and becoming the best versions of themselves. Get ready to do things you never thought you could with a newfound confidence in the gym. Progressive muscle and strength training is my bread & butter and I am excited to share some of my knowledge and experience with you through this program!


I do not design my programs based on prerequisites/various experience levels, because I feel everyone can modify and/or adjust the assigned protocols to fit their abilities, wants and goals at any given time. The main task at hand is simply to share different training cycles, different muscular focuses, and differing training splits based on progressive overload and varying stimuli.

At the beginning of the program, I was 22 weeks pregnant. I Had previously worked with Brittany for coaching but due to being so sick during the first trimester, I took a break from all things fitness. When I saw there was going to be a beta program, I knew I had to join. I was a little nervous out first about being able to do all of the exercises but I will say, this program is amazing for all types of athletes! I was able to do almost every single exercise with no issues and minimal modifications.

My cousin also bought the program and she has never really done much in the gym besides cardio. By the end of the program she was confident in what she was doing and I only had to help her with a few of the exercises.

I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and I have started
the program over and I plan to do this program until I deliver!

- Sydney Smith

This program was exactly what I needed to get back on track after having COVID in January and taking a two week break. Some movements were new to me and others were familiar but I like that I was challenged to try new exercises on my own and pushed myself to get better each week. The weekly Zoom calls were awesome and I learned a lot by listening to those, highly recommend keeping that perk of the beta version! The nutrition and cardio consult at the beginning was helpful as well. I can’t thank you and Chanel enough for this fun and tough 10-week program, and I’m excited to see what’s in store for the next Built Like Lauzon program! :)

Thank you,

Hanna Harbula

Instagram: @hannakayh

Built II Testimonials

Overall I loved the program! I liked pushing myself to increase weight from set to set on some of the exercises, and I felt stronger each week. I even hit some PRs on the single arm shoulder press which felt amazing! The deload weeks were a bit more difficult for me as I am not used to deloading, but it was nice for recovery and to spend less time in the gym.

The one exercise I found really challenging were the pistol squats. I wouldn't consider myself an advanced lifter, but I am typically able to try an exercise, watch some videos on form, and execute and get better week to week. Pistol squats remained really hard for me and could be challenging for some beginning lifters who try the program. I had to do modified pistol squats each time, and I just felt like the movement didn't click for me mentally so I continuously struggled. I'm not sure if there is an alternate exercise that could be added as substitution, but for more beginner lifters who use your guide an alternate may be helpful.

Thank you for another amazing training program! I loved being able to run through it with a group and ask questions.



Firstly, I want to say that I really enjoyed the program! I was expecting it to be amazing though :-) The movements and splits were great and I love a 4 day lift week! I swear I think I saw Jesus on a few of the supersets... 🥵 The pistol squats were an awesome addition. I didn’t realize how challenge they were or that I could do them UNASSISTED! I found major victories in this program and hit PRs, impressed myself, and saw some physique tweaks. Overall, I truly loved the program and I will definitely run it again!! My only piece of feedback is that I wished the rep ranges would have been different on different weeks (similar to Chanel’s AA programs). I find that to help freshen up the movements and challenging in a different way week to week. However, I realize this may have been discussed with your beta crew zoom gang, and I might have just missed that.

Thanks so much for creating an amazing program and helping me become the best version of myself. These programs help me fall back in love with the process.

All the best,

Haley Janese

This 10 week program was SO different from any plan I have ever done. I’ve been weightlifting for 3 years & I’ve bought numerous plans from different coaches- I had in my head that I HAD to go to the gym at least 5-6 days a week to see progress. I used to feel extremely guilty if I couldn’t make it.With the 4 day split I still lost 11lbs in 10 weeks! Planning 4 days in the gym allowed me to be more present with my family and friends. I’ve had the healthiest work/life balance I’ve had since I started lifting. Under Brittany’s guidance I was also eating more & had more energy than I have in months.I learned that I had been over training legs (3x a week) for YEARS. I was skeptical when the plan only have a single leg day a week programmed BUT my legs have never felt so rested and strong. Last takeaway from the program - TAKE 👏🏼 YOUR 👏🏼DELOAD 👏🏼 WEEK 👏🏼 I never realized how bad my CNS needed it. I was able to come back the next week feeling stronger than ever. I will continue implementing occasional deload weeks into my training, it was magnificent.10/10 recommend this plan. Can’t wait to redo it and looking forward to future group plans the Audacious Athletes comes out with! 💜💪🏼I also put my befores and afters side by side and I’m SHOOK! 🤯 thank you so much for creating this program I had so much fun with it!

- Ally


I really enjoyed the BLL Volume 2 program! I definitely feel like I have made lots of progress in the last 10 weeks. My workouts are progressing and I feel better in general!

Here's what I liked about it:
-Macros were higher than they've ever been. I had been in a deficit for about 4 months so it was time to up them. I still lost about 4 pounds.
-I like that the deload was factored in.
-I like that there are videos of you guys doing the workouts. I actually put the hashtags in my Strong app and looked at them several times while I was working out to make sure I did the movement correctly.
-I liked that the workouts were easy to learn & progress on, and each week I felt more comfortable with each exercise. Also, there were a couple of days that I was unable to go to the gym, but I was able to adjust and do the workout at home with bands and a 25lb dumbbell.

Other notes:
-I did add another leg day, as that's what I want to improve the most.
-I SUCKED at doing the ab workouts if I'm being honest. I only did them maybe twice. I know that was my fault - I should have gone ahead and factored them into one of the arm days on my workout app.
-While we're being honest... I also SUCKED at the cardio part. I did walk on the treadmill at 7.0 incline for 10 minutes before lifting to "warm up" but I didn't do much cardio outside of that. On a positive note though, I am getting better about finding opportunities to walk and making it a habit to get my steps in.
-I wish I would have been able to attend more of the live Zoom calls. I appreciate that the recordings are available, but I like the sense of community. I think it would be cool if there was more activity on the Facebook page.

Overall, I really enjoyed the program. I am probably going to go for another week or two before I do my deload because I like how I am progressing.

Thanks for the opportunity and for your guidance!!

Kelli Gilbert

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KG Back After.JPG

This program was perfect to get me back into the gym consistently. 2020 was a tough year as gyms closed and my home gym was not fulfilling me. With this program there was enough variations gym/home to allow me to adapt to my limited home gym. The 4 day split was is my favorite! It was enough to help me see progress however it allowed me to keep up with my busy schedule (mom duties and a high demanding job) without stressing when will I get to my workout in. My leg strength dramatically increased and I think it was due to allowing them to rest as only 1 leg day was involved.  Great program! Thank you Brittany and Chanel for the great guidance.

I would of liked to see more videos.

Elizabet Gomez

Hi there! I'm happy to give a testimonial or to just give some highlights on the value that this program brought me.

First, let me say that when I signed up, I didn't know what to expect and I was a bit worried that I might not be the ideal demographic or fit in because I'm a bit older( midlife), feeling out of shape and haven't done a program like this.  BUT - I soon learned from the first call that this program is for every-BODY and anyone who just wants to progress on their own terms yet appreciates a strategic approach.

Because of this program, I feel so much more educated in the weight room. I now know all kinds of new moves, machines and ways to reach muscle groups that I never knew before.  For example, the GHR machine and the barbell hip thrusts are incredible and I might not have tried them prior to this program. I truly feel like my glutes are more developed and defined. I also loved that legs weren't overdone in this program and the leg day was a lot of bang for the buck.

My shoulders and arm strength has improved and from a physique standpoint, I look fitter all over. My legs are more defined as well.  I definitely PR'd towards the end of phase 1 and earned my deload. It was my first time doing a deload and could physically feel that I needed it. Also, my execution of sun salutations and jumping jacks have significantly improved. I can tell a marked difference in the power and precision and I know it's due to this strength training!

I like the approach of an autonomous program yet with training guidance along the way. I was able to fit my workouts in at home or go to the gym. The weekly calls were super helpful and informative. I got a lot of added value from the Q & A and appreciated the sound and science-based approach.  It means a lot to me that good form and safety is the foundation and progressing safely is highly promoted.

I plan to repeat the whole program now and see how I progress from there. Now that I know what to do, I'm pretty excited about doing it for the 2nd time!

I am so thankful for you and Chanel -  for being so wonderful,  giving of yourselves and sharing all of your knowledge!

Thank you!

Jenny Wilson


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